Building and Investment Group "MEGA CITY" is a Ukrainian manufacturer of composite shingles under the trade mark QUEENTILE, as well as metal shingles under the brand "Rauni", and is a participant in the state housing restoration program "єВідновлення".

The "єВідновлення" program provides financial assistance to homeowners whose property has been damaged or destroyed due to hostilities, helping people whose homes have been affected by war.

Visit our showroom at: 93 Liubovi Maloi Avenue (formerly Postysheva), Kharkiv, and get professional advice, assistance, and affordable prices from the manufacturer.

Under the "єВідновлення" program, you can purchase roofing materials on favorable terms: composite shingles QUEENTILE, metal shingles Rauni, composite siding C 10 Queentile, composite siding C 18 Queentile, profiled sheeting C 10, profiled sheeting C 18, profiled sheeting NS 44.

Restore your home with QUEENTILE under the "єВідновлення" program!